UNINOVA- Instituto Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias


General description of the institution

The UNINOVA Institute is a multidisciplinary, independent, and non-profit research institute employing around 180 persons, located in the metropolitan area of Lisbon. The main aim of UNINOVA is to pursue excellence in scientific research, technical development and advanced training and education. The staff works closely with industry and universities, technological innovations being transferred to profitable business concepts and existing products, further developed to match new industrial requirements.

UNINOVA contains various centres of excellence that expose a wide variety of competences. In particular the CTS – Centre of Technology and Systems (formerly known as CRI – Centre for Intelligent Robotics) presents well-known competences in systems’ modelling, conception and design of architectures, development of toolkits for standards-based platforms, and methodologies for the design and implementation of intelligent manufacturing systems. UNINOVA has managed and participated in many national and international research programmes (ESPRIT, BRITE, IMS, IST, NMP, etc.) with RTD expertise in reconfigurable manufacturing systems, intelligent control solutions, AI based approaches, self-organised manufacturing systems, industrial complex systems, industrial integration and standards-based activities.

UNINOVA aims to further extend its knowledge on multiagent based manufacturing architectures, while aiming at an extension of its RTD knowledge for future university curriculum, for future RTD projects as well as to transfer the envisaged project results to industry, while also providing consultancy services. UNINOVA is currently one of the top research institutions in designing and implementing service/agent-based control systems for evolvable and adaptive complex production systems.

  • Social impact assessment
  • Developing strategies for public acceptance of stationary batteries
  • Optimizing cell design and production system for all liquid cells
Key Persons

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jose Barata: Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Nova University of Lisbon, Coordinator of RICS group and Senior Researcher at UNINOVA Institute, Scientific Director of Smart Farm Colab. He will contribute in the project by tasks related to optimizing the cell design and production system for all liquid cells.



Prof. Dr. António B. Moniz: Sociology Professor at the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Coordinator of the PhD Programme on „Technology Assessment“ (UNL), Member of the research boards of the ISA-International Sociological Association, Member of the Topic Group Natural Interaction with Social Robots, and of the Topics Group „Ethical, Legal and Socio-Economic Issues“ of the European euRobotics platform, Coordinator of the national agenda of Research & Innovation on „Work, robotization and employment qualification in Portugal“ (Ministry of Science and Technology), Senior Researcher at UNINOVA. He will contribute in developing strategies for public acceptance of stationary batteries and social acceptance assessment.


Dr. Sanaz Nikghadam-Hojjati: Senior Researcher at UNINOVA Institute, Invited professor at Nova University of Lisbon. She will contribute in developing strategies for public acceptance of stationary batteries and social acceptance assessment.