Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)
General description of the institution
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) is a non-profit scientific organisation and a member of the German “Helmholtz Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren”. The staff consists of approximately 1,200 employees, the annual budget amounts to about 110 Mio. EUR. HZDR consists of 8 scientific institutes to perform both basic and applied research in the fields of energy, health and matter. HZDR furthermore operates several large-scale research infrastructures, most of which are accessible to external users from all over the world, e.g. Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory and the Ion Beam Centre.
The Institute of Fluid Dynamics (IFD) performs research mainly in the fields of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and multi-phase flows to improve the sustainability, the energy efficiency and the safety of industrial processes. The MHD department works numerically and experimentally on liquid metal flows and its contact-less control by external magnetic fields as well as appropriate measurement techniques. Applied research is performed for designing customised magnetic fields to optimise industrial processes in metallurgy, crystal growth, as well as electrochemistry and liquid metal batteries.
- Coordination & management of the project
- Work Package Lead for Dissemination and exploitation
- Theoretical studies on system integration and upscaling
- Numerical modelling of mass transfer
- Neutron-radiography of the batteries
- Demonstration of all-liquid and solid-electrolyte cell
Key Persons
Dr. Norbert Weber: SOLSTICE Project Coordinator; Responsibility for numerical simulation of liquid metal batteries at HZDR; Supervision of PhD students.
Dr. Tom Weier: Work Package Lead for WP11 Dissemination and exploitation; Expert in liquid metal batteries, magnetohydrodynamics, flow control, inorganic electrolysis and optical flow measurement.
Susann Riedel: Project coordination, marketing and controlling; Expert in the management and coordination of EU research and industry projects.
Dr. Carola Franzen: SOLSTICE Ethics Advisors and Work Package Lead for WP12 Ethics requirements; EU relation officer at HZDR.
Uwe Pöpping: SOLSTICE Innovation Manager; responsible for the development of strategies for the commercialisation of research results and the strengthening of relations to the industry.
Dr. Gleidys Monrrabal: Scientist; Experimental investigation of the solid-electrolyte cell.
Carolina Duczek: PhD student; Numerical modelling of the cells with OpenFOAM.
Dr. Martins Sarma: Scientist; Experimental investigation of the all-liquid cell, including neutron imaging and demonstrator.