electricity storage for the
needs of a renewables-based
energy system

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Sodium-Zinc molten salt batteries for low-cost stationary storage

Electricity production based on wind and solar is inherently intermittent and largely unpredictable. Integrating it into the existing grid and matching supply and demand requires large amounts of storage. SOLSTICE answers this quest for stationary energy storage with two Na-Zn molten salt batteries, which operate at elevated temperature. The first concept benefits from the existing and successful ZEBRA® technology. Replacing their Ni-electrode by cheap and abundant Zn will only minimally affect other system parts thereby ensuring fast commercialisation. The second approach, an all-liquid cell, will apply the same chemistry, but does not require a ceramic electrolyte thus reducing cost further.

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The consortium of the SOLSTICE project consists of 12 partners from 7 European countries. The consortium covers the entire „value chain of science“, from universities doing fundamental research to industrial companies building demonstrator units.

Have a look at our SOLSTICE Interactive Map to see where our project partners come from.